<legend id="h4sia"></legend><samp id="h4sia"></samp>
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<mark id="h4sia"><del id="h4sia"></del></mark>

<p id="h4sia"><td id="h4sia"></td></p><track id="h4sia"></track>

<delect id="h4sia"></delect>
  • <input id="h4sia"><address id="h4sia"></address>

    <menuitem id="h4sia"></menuitem>

    1. <blockquote id="h4sia"><rt id="h4sia"></rt></blockquote>
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      <th id="h4sia"><center id="h4sia"><delect id="h4sia"></delect></center></th>
    3. <dl id="h4sia"></dl>
    4. <rp id="h4sia"><option id="h4sia"></option></rp>


        When wetchat setting is OK, the departments in wetchat and the user information in the departments can be synchronized

        You can select a specific department and right-click to do want you want in the pop-up dialog box


        View users

        you can view the users in the department you selected

        Sync All Sub Department

        re-sync the multi-sub-level department in the department you selected.

        Sync Users In Department

        re-sync the users  in the department you selected

        Sync All Users In Sub Department

        re-sync the users in  the multi-sub-level department of you selected the department