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        使用统计是eazyBI的可选功能,它可以用于分析usage 的使用情况。如果开启之后,eazyBI报告的执行请求将会存储在指定的账户信息中,可以使用统计报告和dashbaord来展示eazy报告被哪些使用使用。


        使用统计报告的开启,可以在eazyBI的 advanced settings 设置中通过以下配置来实现:


        enable = true

        设置并保存之后,一个指定的eazyBI账户(usage statistics)将会被创建,并且它具有JIRA系统管理员的权限。我们可以授权访问权限对其它JIRA用户或者JIRA用户组到此eazyBI账户。

        A set of default reports and a dashboard of these reports will be created in this account. You can use these reports to see the overview of daily usage, see top executed reports and dashboards, reports with errors or slow reports.


         the same eazyBI user schema on Oracle. Report execution results are cached and the cache is cleared each 10 minutes – so you might see up to 10 minutes old data in your reports

        报告的执行数据会存储在指定 的eazyBI的数据库中(mysqk库为:eazybi_jira_dwh_stats on MySQL, PostgreSQL和MS SQL数据库为:dwh_stats;如使用oracle,它会使用eazyBI账户的同一个eazyBI库中)。报告的执行结果会每10分钟缓存一次,因此我们在报告中看到最长时间为10分钟内的旧数据。

        By default, 1-year history of usage statistics data is stored. Older usage statistics entries are deleted during the eazyBI startup. You can change how long history is stored by adding an additional setting, for example:


        keep_for = "3 months"

        You can disable usage statistics by removing the enable line from the settings (or prefixing it with # which will comment this line). When usage statistics are disabled, then you can still view the collected historical usage statistics. If you do not need the history, then the (usage statistics) account can be deleted by the owner of this account.

        我们可以通过移除此配置信息,让其不再对使用统计数据进行保存;当使用统计被禁用的时候,我们依然可以看到收集到的历史数据,如果我们也不需要这些数据,那么可以将此账户(usage statistics)删除掉。

        Data model

        Here is a list of measures and dimensions that are available in usage statistics reports.



        Report ExecutionsA total number of first-time report executions when the report is opened (repeated executions are not counted when users change page selection or do drill actions).
        Report Execution DurationTotal first-time report execution time in seconds. Use the Average Execution Duration calculated measure to get the average.
        Report Execution ErrorsA total count of errors during the first-time report executions. Use the Report Execution Errors % calculated measure to see it as a percentage from total executions.
        Active UsersUnique count of users who used reports according to the selection of other dimensions.
        Active AccountsUnique count of eazyBI accounts from which reports were used.
        Active ReportsUnique count of reports which were used.
        Active DashboardsUnique count of dashboards which were used.



        eazyBI account – name and ID.

        Click on the dimension member and select Go to source to navigate to the Analyze tab of this account.

        UserUser – display name and email.

        Reports grouped by Account, Cube, Folder levels – name and ID.

        Click on the dimension member and select Go to source to open the report.


        Dashboards grouped by Account level – name and ID.

        Click on the dimension member and select Go to source to open the dashboard.

        Cube TypeBased on the data source – Jira or Custom.
        Report TypeTable or a specific chart type.
        Report LocationWhere a report was located – Analyze tab, Dashboard, Gadget Dashboard or Gadget Report.
        TimeDate when a report was executed. The date is based on the Jira server time zone.
        HourHour of the day when a report was executed (e.g. 10 means that it was executed from 10:00 to 10:59). Hour is based on the Jira server time zone.
        Week DayThe day of the week when a report was executed.
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