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        We provide the gears series addons to enhance the functions of JIRA / confluence

        realize business requirements quickly


        enhance the investment value of software products

        Gears more permission for confluence

        Safely manage the attachments in the space, prohibit copying the page through Ctrl C, and manage more operations on the page

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        Gears watermark for confluence

        When visitors visit the page, they can see the watermark information with background.

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        Gears monitor for confluence

        Monitor users behavior of using confluence.About page ,attachment,login and logout

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        Gears space group for confluence

        The space administrator manages the user groups and personnel of his own space

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        Gears dingtalk for confluence

        Receive the information of confluence space page creation and update through dingtalk

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        Gears wechat for confluence

        Receive the information of confluence space page creation and update through wechat

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        Gears jira enhancement tools

         Through simple configuration of workflow to meet the constraints of the process and transaction collaboration

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        Gears Worklog Restricted

         Restrict users to worklog in issue type every day

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        Gears issue export permission

        Allow specified user groups and users to export issues

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        Gears Lock manager for jira

         Lock and unlock the customfields in the system to avoid modification

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        Gears properties manager for jira

         Provide visualization and centralized management of global parameters, define parameters for global reference

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        Gears usage statistics

        Statistical analysis of user efficiency and configuration efficiency

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        Gears User Picker

        Provide a new customfield type, which can only be selected from the set user groups and roles

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        Gears pusher

        Push the administrator's dashboard to the specified user and  quickly help them select the dashboard to work

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        Gears desk

        Simple personal workbench to view and deal with your own issues

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        gears user profile

        Allow you to set more personal information and let others know you better by name or avatar

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        Gears Click SSO

        By simply modify the page URL, you can quickly log in to the plug-in of JIRA / confluence system

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        Language Patch for Structure

        For the Chinese language package of structure, we can understand structure better and use it quickly

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