<legend id="h4sia"></legend><samp id="h4sia"></samp>
<sup id="h4sia"></sup>
<mark id="h4sia"><del id="h4sia"></del></mark>

<p id="h4sia"><td id="h4sia"></td></p><track id="h4sia"></track>

<delect id="h4sia"></delect>
  • <input id="h4sia"><address id="h4sia"></address>

    <menuitem id="h4sia"></menuitem>

    1. <blockquote id="h4sia"><rt id="h4sia"></rt></blockquote>
      <wbr id="h4sia">
    2. <meter id="h4sia"></meter>

      <th id="h4sia"><center id="h4sia"><delect id="h4sia"></delect></center></th>
    3. <dl id="h4sia"></dl>
    4. <rp id="h4sia"><option id="h4sia"></option></rp>

        Page tree

        Versions Compared


        • This line was added.
        • This line was removed.
        • Formatting was changed.


        • User without permission can not export on the issue navigation
        • page.User without permission can not export on the issue page.
        • When users without permission can export the issues,403 Forbidden will display on page through URL
        • We can configure users or group whom can export



        If one user export is disabled, the list of issue displayed on the page by other systems such as confluence will not be displayed

        "Export" button is hiden on the navigation page.
