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        365娱乐场体育投注_365现金官网_365bet备用器下载 作用


        Gears properties manager主要目标是管理系统级别的、全局性的参数;

        在一些开发能力较强的企业中,对于在各个365娱乐场体育投注_365现金官网_365bet备用器下载 中使用一些全局性的变量很不方便,比如在ScriptRunner中,经常通过自定义的一些脚本写入到工作流中,获得业务数据后向第三方系统进行发送。第三方的信息可能包括一些,URL,账户名和密码,或者其它的参数,当这些参数写的较多的时候,对于如要修改接口的URL地址,变更密码,那么修改这些工作流的工作量将是一个挑战。

        因此,此365娱乐场体育投注_365现金官网_365bet备用器下载 的使用是定义全局性的参数,可以将之引用到所需要的任何地址,只需要记住其变更的键值,那么将会产生一处修改,全部修改的效果。



        比如我们在ScriptRunner的定时任务、字段、PostFuction中写入了大量的脚本,这个脚本使用了一个自定义字段(开发负责 人)并使用它的值进行很多业务处理。

        在这种情况下,我们写入了多个脚本并放在不同的地方,通常情况我们会在脚本里写这个自定义字段的获取值,The main goal of Gears Properties Manager is to manage system level and global parameters;

        In some enterprises with strong development ability, it is inconvenient to use some global variables in various app For example, in ScriptRunner, some customized scripts are often written into the workflow to obtain business data and send it to the third-party system. The third-party information may include some URLs, account names and passwords, or other parameters. When these parameters are written more, the workload of modifying these workflows will be a challenge for changing them.

        Therefore, the use of this app is to define global parameters, which can be referenced to any required address. Just remember the key and value, and it will have the effect of one modification then all modifications.

        At the same time, because of the global visual management of these parameters, it is more convenient for operation and maintenance. You only need to query in the system without asking the specific developers how to define them.


        For example, we have written a large number of scripts in the scheduled tasks, fields and postfusion of ScriptRunner. This script uses a user-defined field (development leader) and uses its value for many business processing.

        In this case, we write multiple scripts and put them in different places. Usually, we will write the obtained value of this custom field in the script

        customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName ("


        development leader")


        Table of Contents



        或者我们通过以下方式这种方式来写 In this scenario, if the development leader says that it is necessary to change a name to: "Dev leader", then we need to find all the scripts in the system that use this code to modify its value.

        Or we can write it this way,

        customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjec (123456L)


        或者有以下情况,这个ID值或者名称,在我们的生产环境 或者测试环境并不一致,这样也会导致我们在测试环境 调试好的脚本,在拿到生产环境的脚本上一一变更这个值才能运行起来。

        针对以上的上场景,使用此365娱乐场体育投注_365现金官网_365bet备用器下载 我们可以在里面定义一个固定的变量,这个变量的值可以快速的进行可视化的管理,修改这个值后系统中所有用一这个变更的全部都会生效,这样就方便我们统一来管理这些变量,达到可视化、全局化来管理我们系统中到处使用的变量脚本。


        Gears properties manager为了能够对全局性的参数进行科学管理,并方便管理人进行维护,比如管理员需要写入多个与第三方系统进行对接的参数,那么他可以将这些参数进行分组;

        因此,对全局性分组,在此365娱乐场体育投注_365现金官网_365bet备用器下载 中将以前缀来进行区别;那么在对参数进行管理的时候,首先需要确定此参数应当归属哪一个前缀。



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        使用是,可以使用此类comIn this case, it is also possible that this field is accidentally deleted and re created; Then its ID value will also change. You still need to find all the scripts in the system that use this code to modify its value.

        Or in the following cases, the ID value or name is inconsistent in our production environment or test environment, which will also lead to the script debugged in the test environment, and the script obtained from the production environment can only be run by changing this value one by one.

        For the above scenarios, using this plug-in, we can define a fixed variable in it. The value of this variable can be quickly managed visually. After modifying this value, all the changes in the system will take effect, which makes it convenient for us to manage these variables in a unified way, so as to achieve visual and global management of variable scripts used everywhere in our system.


        In order to manage global parameters and facilitate the maintenance of managers, for example, if an administrator needs to write multiple parameters for interfacing with a third-party system, he can group by these parameters;

        Therefore, the global grouping will be distinguished by prefix in this app; When managing parameters, you first need to determine which prefix for  them .


        Prefix information is a definition of grouping global parameters, so prefix management is required.

        Image Added

        You can navigate to the prefix information to add and manage prefixes. After saving, the prefix information defined in the system will be displayed.


        Key-value is effective information provided for business use. It is allowed to add a key value pair to the corresponding prefix to obtain information through full key in the system.

        Image Added

        You can select the prefix defined in the system to query all key value pairs included in this prefix. Of course, you can also modify a key value pair.

        If you need to add a new key value pair to a prefix, you can add one. At this time, click "add" to pop up the add interface

        Image Added


        When the key value pair is defined and newly added, its information can be obtained where needed for business processing.

        Yes, you can use this kind of com.atlassian.jira.config.properties. ApplicationProperties,并使用它的getStringApplicationproperties and use its getText()方法。 method.

        Code Block
        String value = applicationProperties.getString($fullkey) ; 
        注意fullkey是指在键值信息列表中显示在第一列中的全键信息,而不是在新增的时候填写的key值全键信息包括365娱乐场体育投注_365现金官网_365bet备用器下载 定义的统一大前缀+前缀+键值

        REST  API



        Get all key-values information for a prefix

        •  REST URL


        • 方法Method


        • 示例Example


        Code Block
        "fullkey": "HKTXPROPERTIESKEY.ITDESK.StaffId",
        "prefix": "ITDESK",
        "key": "StaffId",
        "value": "1123"
        "fullkey": "HKTXPROPERTIESKEY.ITDESK.key1",
        "prefix": "ITDESK",
        "key": "key1",
        "value": "value11"
        "fullkey": "HKTXPROPERTIESKEY.ITDESK.key2",
        "prefix": "ITDESK",
        "key": "key2",
        "value": "value22"



        Get a value for a specific full key

        •  REST URL


        • 方法Method


        • 示例Example



        Code Block
        "fullkey": "HKTXPROPERTIESKEY.ITDESK.StaffId",
        "value": "1123"


        我们还以“使用场景”中的示例来进行如何使用此365娱乐场体育投注_365现金官网_365bet备用器下载 。


        首先我们在property365娱乐场体育投注_365现金官网_365bet备用器下载 中定义一个变量值(假定前缀是:SCRITRUNNER,KEY值为:DEV_OWNER),那么它的Fullkey即为:


        First, we define a variable value by this app( prefix is:SCRITRUNNER,KEY is :DEV_OWNER) then its fullkey is:HKTXPROPERTIESKEY.SCRITRUNNER.DEV_OWNER ,其值为 value is:123456


        Your code may be like this

        import com.atlassian.jira.config.properties.ApplicationProperties//CustomField  devOwnerCustomfield = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjec (123456L)  将改造为

        String devOwnerCustomfieldId = applicationProperties.getString("HKTXPROPERTIESKEY.SCRITRUNNER.DEV_OWNER") ;

        CustomField  devOwnerCustomfield =   customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject(Long.parseLong(devOwnerCustomfieldId));

        ApplicationUser devOwnerUser = issue.getCustomFieldValue(devOwnerCustomfield);


        当我们在业务上需要调整,需要将原来取“开发负责人”(ID为:123456),修改为去取“开发责任人”(ID为:654321)或者其它的值时,我们只需要在properties365娱乐场体育投注_365现金官网_365bet备用器下载 中,修改:SCRITRUNNER.DEV_OWNER 的值为 654321,即可完成业务的变更。

        如果这类业务逻辑被 应用到N个脚本,我们只需要修改一处,即可完成N处的修改,减少了修改的工作量,也不至于漏掉某处而导致业务异常。