Code | description | 说明 |
P-P001 | Copy the field value of the parent task to the same field *Use on subtasks | 将父任务指定的字段复制到子任务的同字段中 *用在子任务上 |
P-P002 | Copy field value into the given issue link issues | 复制字段的值到关联的问题上 |
P-P003 | decrease a given number value by one step | 针对指定的数字字段的值,使之按步长递减 |
P-P004 | increase a given number value by one step | 针对指定的数字字段的值,使之按步长递增 |
P-P005 | add current user to a given customfield(multiple users) | 将当前操作人员加入到指定的多人字段中 |
P-P006 | remove current user from a given customfield(multiple users) | 将当前操作人员从指定的多人字段中移除 |
P-P007 | set the assignee to a given field(single user) of this issue | 增加当前经办人到指定的单用户字段中 |
P-P008 | set the given customfield(single user) to become the assignee of issue | 设置指定用户字段的值为当前问题的经办人 |
P-P009 | add the current user to a given customfield(single users) of issue | 设置当前操作用户到指定单用户字段中 |
P-P010 | make the user(s) of the customfield(user) to watch this issue | 设置用户字段中的值关注这个任务 |
P-P011 | make the assignee of this issue to watch this issue | 设置当前问题经办人关注此问题 |
P-P012 | assign this issue to the previous assigneer | 设置经办人为上一经办人 |
P-P013 | set current datetime into the given customfield(date picker or datetime picker)etime picker) | 设置当前时间到指定时间字段 |
P-P014 | make subtask assignee watch the parent issue *Use on subtasks | 设置子任务经办人关注父任务 *用在子任务上 |
P-P015 | when the epic is the specified status,then execute the epic transition | 当Epic为指定状态时,执行Epic的指定动作 |
P-P016 | when all storys status is the specified status,then execute the Epic transition | 当Epic所有的Story的状态为指值时,执行Epic的动作 |
P-P017 | execute the given transition for issues in Epic when the story status are the specified values *Use on Epic | 当Story的状态为指定值时,指定Story指定动作 *用在Epic上 |
P-P018 | When the parent status is the specified value ,then execute the parent transition *Use on subtasks | 当父任务状态为指定值是,执行任务动作 *用在子任务上 |
P-P019 | when the the parenttatus and all subtask status is the specified value,execute parent issue the given transition *Use on subtasks | 当父状态为指定值,并且所有子任务状态为指定值时,执行父任务指定动作 *用在子任务上 |
P-P020 | execute subtask transition when subtask status is the specified value | 当子任务的状态为指定值时,执行子任务的指定动作 |
P-P021 | when the subtask issuetype and status are the specified values ,then execute subtask given transition | 当子任务的类型以及状态为指定值时,执行子任务的指定状态 |
P-P022 | if the given customfield(single users) is empty thne set the current user into it | 如果指定用户字段为空,写入当前操作人员 |
P-P023 | when the value of the given customfield(single select) is specified value,then set the given value into its other customfield(single select) | 如果指定字段(单选)的值为指定值时,设定另外一个字段(单选)的值为指定值 |
P-P024 | set sum of two number fields into the third field(number) | 两个数字字段相加写入到第三个字段 |
P-P025 | set subtract of two number fields into the third field(number) | 将两个数字字段相减的值写入第三个字段 |
P-P026 | execute link issue transition when them status is the specified value in issue link. | 对指定关联关系的问题,当它们的状态为指定值是,执行它们的指定动作 |
P-P027 | Set a value into the specified field | 设置一个指定值到指定的字段 |
P-P028 | make the roles users to watch this issue | 让项目的角色成员关注此问题 |