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<p id="h4sia"><td id="h4sia"></td></p><track id="h4sia"></track>

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  • <input id="h4sia"><address id="h4sia"></address>

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        This is the decision register for:  

        What decisions are shown here?

        Any DACI decision in this space will be shown in outstanding decisions.

        创建 DACI 决定

        How do I determine the "impact" rating of a decision?

        Here's an example you can use as a guide.

        Decision characteristics
        • The decision will have a material impact on the customer experience OR
        • will significantly impact the roadmap OR
        • will adversely disrupt an internal business process.


        • The decision will involve a less than material change to customer experience OR
        • will impact the roadmap OR
        • will impact an existing internal business process


        • All other decisions

        Outstanding decisions

        Closed decisions

        Hint: Add the CLOSED label to a DACI decision to make it appear here.