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        eazyBI使用mondrian OLAP报告引擎和MDX查询语言实现。除了Mondrian提供的MDX函数外,eazyBI还定义了可用于计算成员公式的其他MDX函数。




        表达式:CAST ( AS ).


        MATCHES和NOT MATCHES运算符将一个字符串与另一个字符串或

         regular expression.

        Date Functions

        Date Functions



        EAZYBI 返回日期加上指定的天数。
        EAZYBI 返回日期加上指定的工作日数。
        EAZYBI 返回从字符串参数分析的日期。

        EAZYBI 将日期和时间从日期格式转换为时间戳格式(整数)。

        EAZYBI 从提供的日期或字符串参数返回不带时间的日期。
        EAZYBI 类似于datetime函数,始终返回与成员相似的值
        EAZYBI 返回下一时间段的开始日期。

        EAZYBI 返回时间段开始日期。


        EAZYBI 将日期和时间从时间戳格式(整数)转换为日期格式。

        Hierarchy Functions



        EAZYBI 返回当前成员的维度层次结构。


        Level Functions


        Logical Functions

        EAZYBI 返回逗号分隔字符串中的任何日期是否介于时段开始日期和结束日期之间。
        EAZYBI 如果日期在时段结束日期之后,则返回真。
        EAZYBI 如果日期在时段结束日期之前,则返回真。
        EAZYBI 如果日期在两个时间之间,则返回真。
        EAZYBI 如果日期介于时段开始日期和结束日期之间,则返回
        EAZYBI 与get函数类似,但始终将成员属性值作为布尔真值或假值返回。

        Member Functions

        AncestorReturns the ancestor of a member at a specified level or distance.
        ClosingPeriodReturns the last sibling among the descendants of a member at a specified level.
        EAZYBI Returns the Time dimension hierarchy level member which contains current date.

        EAZYBI Returns the current dimension hierarchy member.

        CurrentMemberReturns the current member along a specified dimension or hierarchy during iteration.
        EAZYBI Returns a key value of the user (from all user dimensions, for example, Assignee, Logged By etc) which is currently using eazyBI.

        EAZYBI Returns an email of the user which is currently using eazyBI.


        EAZYBI Returns a name of the user which is currently using eazyBI.

        DataMemberReturns the system-generated data member that is associated with a non-leaf member of a dimension.

        EAZYBI Return Time dimension level member that matches the provided date.


        EAZYBI Returns Time dimension level members between two dates.

        DefaultMemberReturns the default member of a dimension or hierarchy.
        FirstChildReturns the first child of a member.
        FirstSiblingReturns the first child of the parent of a member.

        EAZYBI Returns member with a specified key value in the same dimension and level.


        EAZYBI Returns members with specified keys in the same dimension and level.


        EAZYBI Returns name of linked member with a specified key value in the same dimension and level.


        EAZYBI Returns names of members with specified keys in the same dimension and level.

        EAZYBI Returns a level member with the specified key value.

        EAZYBI Returns keys of level members with specified key values.


        EAZYBI Returns a level member name with the specified key value.


        EAZYBI Returns names of level members with the specified key values.

        ItemReturns a member from a specified tuple.
        LagReturns the member that is a specified number of positions before a specified member along the member's dimension.
        LastChildReturns the last child of a specified member.
        LastSiblingReturns the last child of the parent of a specified member.
        LeadReturns the member that is a specified number of positions following a specified member along the member's dimension.
        MembersReturns a member specified by a string expression.
        NextMemberReturns the next member in the level that contains a specified member.
        OpeningPeriodReturns the first sibling among the descendants of a specified level, optionally at a specified member.
        ParallelPeriodReturns a member from a prior period in the same relative position as a specified member.
        ParentReturns the parent of a member.
        PrevMemberReturns the previous member in the level that contains a specified member.
        EAZYBI Returns a set of previous time dimension members for calculation of cumulative sums.
        StrToMemberReturns the member specified by an MDX–formatted string.

        Numeric Functions

        AbsReturns the absolute value of a number.
        AggregateReturns a calculated value using the appropriate aggregate function, based on the context of the query.
        AvgReturns the average value of a numeric expression evaluated.
        CoalesceEmptyCoalesces an empty cell value to a number or string and returns the coalesced value.
        CorrelationReturns the correlation coefficient of two series evaluated over a set.
        CountReturns the number of tuples in a set.
        CovarianceReturns the population covariance of two series evaluated over a set, using the biased population formula.
        CovarianceNReturns the sample covariance of two series evaluated over a set, using the unbiased population formula.
        EAZYBI Returns -1 if first date is less than second date, 1 if first date is greater than second date, and 0 if dates are equal.
        EAZYBI Returns difference in days from first date to second date.
        EAZYBI Returns difference in workdays from first date to second date.
        EAZYBI Returns difference in hours from first date to second date.
        EAZYBI Returns difference in minutes from first date to second date.
        FirstQReturns the 1st quartile value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
        EAZYBI Similar to get function but will always return the member property value as a numeric value.
        IIfReturns one of two values determined by a logical test.
        LenReturns the number of characters in a string
        LinRegInterceptCalculates the linear regression of a set and returns the value of b in the regression line y = ax + b.
        LinRegPointCalculates the linear regression of a set and returns the value of y in the regression line y = ax + b.
        LinRegR2Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns R2 (the coefficient of determination).
        LinRegSlopeCalculates the linear regression of a set and returns the variance associated with the regression line y = ax + b.
        MaxReturns the maximum value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
        MedianReturns the median value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
        MinReturns the minimum value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
        EAZYBI Returns numeric value if non-zero.
        OrdinalReturns the zero-based ordinal value associated with a level.
        PercentileReturns the value of the tuple that is at a given percentile of a set.
        RankReturns the one-based rank of a specified tuple in a specified set.
        RoundRounds the values in its first argument to the specified number of decimal places.
        StddevAlias for Stdev.
        StddevPAlias for StdevP.
        StdevReturns the sample standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using the unbiased population formula.
        StdevPReturns the population standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using the biased population formula.
        SumReturns the sum of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
        ThirdQReturns the 3rd quartile value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
        ValReturns the numbers contained in a string as a numeric value of appropriate type.
        ValueReturns the value of a measure.
        VarReturns the sample variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using the unbiased population formula.
        VarPReturns the population variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using the biased population formula.
        VarianceAlias for Var.
        VariancePAlias for VarP.

        Set Functions

        AddCalculatedMembersReturns a set generated by adding calculated members to a specified set.
        AllMembersReturns a set that contains all members, including calculated members, of the specified dimension, hierarchy, or level.
        AscendantsReturns the set of the ascendants of a specified member, including the member itself.
        BottomCountReturns a specified number of items from the bottom of a set, optionally ordering the set first.
        BottomPercentSorts a set and returns the bottom N elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified percentage.
        BottomSumSorts a set and returns the bottom N elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified value.

        Caches the result of the calculation in memory for query in execution. Can be useful when same calculation is repeated during the report more than once.

        EAZYBI Returns cascading children set of aggregate calculated member (set argument of Aggregate function). If any children member is also an aggregated calculated member then it is expanded to detailed members as well.
        ChildrenReturns the children of a specified member.
        EAZYBI Returns children set of aggregate calculated member (set argument of Aggregate function).
        CrossjoinReturns the cross product of two sets.
        DescendantsReturns the set of descendants of a member at a specified level, optionally including or excluding descendants in other levels.
        DistinctReturns a set, removing duplicate tuples from a specified set.
        DrilldownLevelDrills down the members of a set, at a specified level, to one level below. Alternatively, drills down on a specified dimension in the set.
        DrilldownLevelBottomDrills down the bottommost members of a set, at a specified level, to one level below.
        DrilldownLevelTopDrills down the topmost members of a set, at a specified level, to one level below.
        DrilldownMemberDrills down the members in a set that are present in a second specified set.
        ExceptFinds the difference between two sets, optionally retaining duplicates.
        ExistsReturns the the set of tuples of the first set that exist with one or more tuples of the second set.
        ExtractReturns a set of tuples from extracted dimension elements. The opposite of Crossjoin.
        FilterReturns the set resulting from filtering a set based on a search condition.
        GenerateApplies a set to each member of another set, and then joins the resulting sets by union. Alternatively, this function returns a concatenated string created by evaluating a string expression over a set.
        HeadReturns the first specified number of elements in a set.
        HierarchizeOrders the members of a set in a hierarchy.
        IntersectReturns the intersection of two input sets, optionally retaining duplicates.
        LastPeriodsReturns a set of members prior to and including a specified member.
        MembersReturns the set of members in a dimension, level, or hierarchy.

        Returns a set of sibling members from the same level as a given member, starting with the first sibling and ending with the given member, as constrained by the Year level in the Time dimension.

        A shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to be Month.

        NonEmptyCrossJoinReturns the cross product of two sets, excluding empty tuples and tuples without associated fact table data.
        OrderArranges members of a set, optionally preserving or breaking the hierarchy.
        PeriodsToDateReturns a set of periods (members) from a specified level starting with the first period and ending with a specified member.

        Returns a set of sibling members from the same level as a given member, starting with the first sibling and ending with the given member, as constrained by the Quarter level in the Time dimension.

        A shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to be Quarter.

        SiblingsReturns the siblings of a specified member, including the member itself.
        StrToSetReturns the set specified by an MDX–formatted string.
        StripCalculatedMembersReturns a set generated by removing calculated members from a specified set.
        SubsetReturns a subset of tuples from a specified set.
        TailReturns a subset from the end of a set.
        ToggleDrillStateToggles the drill state of members.
        TopCountReturns a specified number of items from the top of a set, optionally ordering the set first.
        TopPercentSorts a set and returns the top N elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified percentage.
        TopSumSorts a set and returns the top N elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified value.
        UnionReturns the union of two sets, optionally retaining duplicates.
        UnorderRemoves any enforced ordering from a specified set.

        EAZYBI Returns the set of all members which are visible on rows where each member is representing one row.

        VisualTotalsDynamically totals child members specified in a set using a pattern for the total label in the result set.

        Returns a set of sibling members from the same level as a given member, starting with the first sibling and ending with the given member, as constrained by the Week level in the Time dimension.

        A shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to be Week.


        Returns a set of sibling members from the same level as a given member, starting with the first sibling and ending with the given member, as constrained by the Year level in the Time dimension.

        A shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to be Year.

        String Functions

        EAZYBI Returns all property names and values for a member.
        CoalesceEmptyCoalesces an empty cell value to a number or string and returns the coalesced value.
        EAZYBI Extracts string fragment using regular expression.
        FormatFormats a number or date to a string.
        GenerateApplies a set to each member of another set, and then joins the resulting sets by union. Alternatively, this function returns a concatenated string created by evaluating a string expression over a set.
        EAZYBI Returns the member property value or empty result if the property does not exist.
        EAZYBI Alias for get.
        EAZYBI Similar to get function but will always return the member property value as a string value.
        EAZYBI Returns level member name with specified key value.
        IIFReturns one of two values determined by a logical test.
        InstrReturns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another.
        LCaseReturns a string that has been converted to lowercase.
        LTrimReturns a string containing a copy of a specified string without leading spaces.
        LeftReturns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string.
        MidReturns a specified number of characters from a string.
        NameReturns the name of a dimension, hierarchy, level, or member.
        EAZYBI Returns the string if it is not empty (contains at least one character), otherwise returns an empty result.

        Returns a string (or number or date type) that contains a member property value.

        It is recommended to use eazyBI specific get function instead.

        RTrimReturns a string containing a copy of a specified string without trailing spaces.
        ReplaceReturns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times.
        RightReturns a string containing a specified number of characters from the right side of a string.
        SetToStrReturns an MDX-formatted string of that corresponds to a specified set.
        StrReturns a string representation of a number.
        EAZYBI Returns titleized string.
        TrimReturns a string containing a copy of a specified string without leading and trailing spaces.
        TupleToStrReturns an MDX–formatted string that corresponds to specified tuple.
        UCaseReturns a string that has been converted to uppercase.
        UniqueNameReturns the unique name of a specified dimension, hierarchy, level, or member.

        Tuple Functions

        CurrentReturns the current tuple from a set during iteration.
         EAZYBI Returns current tuple result assuming Default level for all other dimensions that are not specified in tuple.
        ItemReturns a tuple from a set.
        StrToTupleReturns the tuple specified by an MDX–formatted string.

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