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        This plug-in also allows you to add watermarks to the PDF when you export the page as PDF.

        When we set the rules of adding watermark when exporting PDF, the watermark will be displayed in the exported PDF file

        Watermark rules

        all page export with watermarkIf the watermark function is not turned off, the watermark will be added when all pages are exported to PDF
        all page export with  NO watermarkthe watermark would not be added when all pages are exported to PDF
        Follow space and group ruleWhether there is a watermark when the page is exported as PDF depends on the settings in "enable space" and "enable group". That is, if you can't see the watermark on the page, then when the page is exported as PDF, the watermark will not be displayed on the PDF, otherwise it will be displayed on the pdf

        Open new link for export


        a new link named "PDF export with watermark"  will be added in "..." of the page.

        In this way, we can export the page with watermark as pdf, and at the same time, we can export the page with no watermark as PDF page by "PDF export"

        Nowe can export the page with watermark as pdf  by "PDF export"

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