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        Page tree
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        Gears monitor for confluence

        Main functions

        • Record the history of the user's view page.
        • Record the history of the user's view attachement(or download)
        • Record the historyof the user's login confluence or logout the confluence.

        Monitoring Setting  for space page

        Report the view page history

        Trend of spatial visits

        Monitoring Setting  for view attachment

         Report of the view attachment history

        Monitoring Setting  for the users login confluence

         Report of the view attachment history


        • Attachment view function

        We don't record the user's behavior of viewing images, because a large number of images in the page will cause the recorded information to be out of focus,

        Image formats include: JPG, PNG, SVG and so on.

        • login ip

        If  wu uses nginx or Apache, the IP address of login may not be prepared, which may be a defect of confluence.This problem does not exist if the user accesses confluence  directly

        or maybe you can set the conf like the below

        location / {
              proxy_redirect off;
                        proxy_set_header  Host $host;
                        proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                        proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;

        • No labels